The Morris school board approved a contract with TenSeven LLC. for campus security services for the next school year. The contract’s approval is contingent on receiving state funding, according to Superintendent Chris Karch.
The assigned officer will work 40 hours per week, with overtime for additional events.
TenSeven LLC CEO Mike Snyder, attending Monday’s meeting, said the company has a three million dollar general liability insurance policy. If an officer isn’t a good fit for the school, there is “a database of about 800 officers” for the school to choose from, he added.
Snyder also noted that all officers have medical training and will carry individual first aid kits containing items such as tourniquets and Narcan.
Additionally, the Morris School Board approved hiring the Stephen L. Smith Corporation as a financial consultant for the district. The board later set January 31 at noon in the boardroom as the date and time for selling a $630,000 building bond, with the Stephen L. Smith Corporation as bond counsel.
In the same meeting, all items on the consent agenda were approved, including the minutes from Nov. 11. Superintendent Karch also gave his monthly report.