From the comfort of her brand-new porch, 94-year-old Muscogee citizen, Norma Factor was presented with a symbolic key from Principal Chief, David Hill during a ceremony on Oct. 27. The ceremony celebrated the completion of Ms. Factor’s newly built two bed, two bath, 1500+ sq. ft., ADA-style home. Factor received blessings and congratulatory words from tribal leaders, Department of Housing staff and family members, all of whom were in attendance for the celebratory occasion. Even though Mvskoke is Factor’s first language and she understands little English, the smile on her face radiated the joy she was feeling that day.
Ms. Factor and her family are one of thirteen Muscogee families selected from a waiting list to receive a replacement home through the Muscogee Nation Department of Housing’s Alternative Housing Program. The program is aimed at providing Muscogee elders residing in rural areas with more secure and efficient housing. Ms. Factor’s mobile home was removed with her replacement home having been built in its former place.
“These replacement homes are state-of-the-art and more energy efficient,” Director of Housing Development, Luis Flores said.
Each home will also come with an emergency safe room located in the master bedroom.
“In the event of an emergency, the homeowner can go straight to that room. It’s especially geared toward the elders as we don’t want them to go out in an unsafe environment,” Flores explained.
Electrical outlets are also installed in the safe rooms if ever the occupants must shelter inside for an extended period of time.
According to Flores, these are the first homes built through the Alternative Housing Program since 2008 due to a lack of funds. With funding appropriated from a grant through the American Rescue Plan Act, the Department of Housing were finally able to start the program back up earlier this year. In addition, Flores says that the amount of ARPA funds received will allow them to monitor each home on a monthly basis. This will ensure their upkeep with Flores adding, “There’s no homeowner maintenance required, these homes should be in tip-top shape for at least the next 10 to 15 years.”
For more information about the various programs and services provided by the Muscogee Nation Department of Housing, please visit their website at www. or call 918549-2500.