Last June, I arrived in Okmulgee full of hope and excitement, anxious to begin this new journey. I instantly fell in love with what I considered my new hometown. I might sleep down the road a ways, but I am here as often as possible as this is the place I love with the people I love.
I want you all to know that Okmul- gee Public Schools has the BEST students, the hardest working staff members who are committed to giving our kids what they deserve, and the most incredibly supportive parents, alumni, and community partners.
This is my dream job. I am grateful to the Okmulgee Times for publishing our shiniest moments. I am very proud of the big newspaper-worthy stories, but I’m also proud of the daily routines that are changing all of our lives for the better.
I look forward to greeting my team every morning in the glass office, breaking bread together in the cafeteria surrounded by students, visiting classrooms and getting involved in the lessons, and the guaranteed pop in from a student or staff to solve a problem together, give me feedback, or tell me about an initiative they are planning to meet a goal we’ve committed to. I hate to miss work.
Right now I’m sick and just wish I was better so I can do my favorite thing, be a principal at Okmulgee High School.
Thank you for the support and love. It means the world to me. Each and every one of you are important to me. You have made my life better because you exist.
I am still full of hope and excitement, and anxious about what is next. I will continue to post the great things because I am full of Bulldog Pride!
I am committed to the plans to continue to give students our very best, to hold each other accountable, to use data to guide our mission, and most importantly to give students a safe place with the experiences they all deserve!
Moving forward I ask that you continue to passionately advocate for students but do so with compassion.
No matter what … Once a Bulldog, Always a Bulldog!
Signed, Your Eternally Grateful, Principal Amanda Adams