Dear Editor:
There have been bomb threats for several days now at Tulsa Public Schools and various places around Tulsa County. Some obviously insane person is upset over “woke ideology.”
What the heck is wrong with people? What ever happened to talking and having a difference in opinion without threatening people’s lives or our children’s lives?
These are our neighbors, our kids, our schools. We have to make a stand vs. violence and the lies.
We all are not exempt from being threatened by holding different political or religious beliefs from each other.
When our leaders promote hate and this type of fear mongering of “woke ideology” and “the libs are all pedophiles, satanists, anti-God, anti- America, this type of insane thinking and actions follow.
As a Democrat, I can assure you all of the lies and vitriol being passed around are just a way to separate and drive people apart and not bring community nor unity. We can have different beliefs and still be a community and country.
• Democrats are not demons. We are people with different ideas. That’s it.
• Democrats love their country too.
• Democrats love their flag too.
• Democrats love their God, have faith too.
• Democrats love their kids and families too.
• Democrats love public schools too.
• Democrats want safety for our kids and families too.
• Democrats believe we can have different opinions and still be good neighbors.
People, please step up and be vocal against these lies and fear mongering.
We have to be better citizens and neighbors.
Rose A. Lynch, Okmulgee County Democratic Party Chair