CF-2023-00102 06/21/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Cottrell, Dewayne Ravon Possession of Firearm After Former Juvenile Adjudication CF-2023-00103A 06/21/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Fulton, Tyler Wayne Conspiracy CF-2023-00103B 06/21/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Kelley, Toni Merisha Conspiracy CF-2023-00103C 06/21/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Mattingly, David John Conspiracy CF-2023-00103D 06/21/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Mattingly, Linda Marie Conspiracy CF-2023-00103E 06/21/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Hoesktra, Jillian Dawn Conspiracy CF-2023-00103F 06/21/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Sloan, Breanna Conspiracy CF-2023-00104 06/26/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Collins, John Ray Child Abuse CF-2023-00105 06/26/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Ridgeway, Matthew Lewis Grand Larceny CF-2023-00106 06/27/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Burch, John Frederick Jr. Burglary, Second Degree CF-2023-00107 06/27/2023 State of Oklahoma vs. Treat, Steven Micheal Possession of Stolen Vehicle ---
June 30, 2023