A huge congratulations to the Morris High School students who participated in the OSSAA State Solo and Ensemble Contest this past week. Participants included a Marimba Trio of Brooklynn Pritchard, Ean Merrill and Katey Mims; a Clarinet Trio of Kylie Force, Brianna Elkins and Cadence Whitlow; a Trumpet Trio of Natalie Gehring, Sutton Giddens and Grace Hogue; a Clarinet Quartet of Cadence Whitlow, Brianna Elkins, Savanna Vaughn and Jace Allen; and a Percussion Ensemble of Brooklynn Pritchard, Ethan Battiest, Sofia Brickey, Samantha Souza, Caleb Colwill, Erica Workman, Ian Webster and Jacen Keller. A special congratulations to the Marimba Trio, Clarinet Trio and Percussion Ensemble for earning Superior Ratings.
May 5, 2023
Morris Students Perform at Solo & Ensemble Contest