A commercial zone for medical marijuana dispensaries in the City of Beggs was approved during their regular monthly session Monday.
The Commercial Medical Marijuana Dispensary (CMMD) Zone will be an area from one block south of Hwy. 16 (South Broadway) then west to Creek, and north to Hwy. 16, going east on Hwy. 16 to South Broadway.
This area added to the city’s commercial zoning area, will be for the retail sale of medical marijuana, but prohibits activities such as growing, processing or transporting, which are prohibited by the city.
Councilman Chris Gore presided over the meeting due to the absence of Mayor Jacob Branson.
Several items were tabled due to Branson’s absence including a selection of an engineer for the CBDG- REAP Grant. That item had been tabled from the Feb. 13 session.
Also tabled was Resolution 2023-05 for the 2023 Okmulgee County Hazard Mitigation Plan Update because it was not available for reading.
Plans are set for the Beggs Trash Off Day, May 6, from 8 a.m. to 12 noon.
The council went into executive session to discuss two items, which were tabled upon return to open session. Item 1 was to approve Christa Walker as a full-time dispatcher with wage increase; and Item 2, a wage increase for current dispatchers and city employees.
Agenda items approved were:
• Appropriations of $32,943.77 from General Fund to BPWA.
• Purchase Orders
• Financial Statements
• Minutes from March 13 regular meeting
• Report from Code Enforcement Officer Janet Jackson. There is work being done a lot/ block map and residents are making steady progress in their conforming to city codes.
• Named Terrye Adams to the Beggs House Board of Commissioners. The council voted to remove Darlene Jackson as she is no longer able to attend, and Malcolm Branch, who is deceased.
• Recommendation from Planning & Zoning on building a house at 501 N. Creek; and recommendation from Jon Shaffer to have Cody Burton serve on the Planning & Zoning Commission.
Under New Business, the council was informed the repair for the roof leak at city hall would cost approximately $1,800; new pest control is needed and the mowing schedule will begin in earnest with the arrival of spring.
— Citizen Comments:
– Charles McAnerney in the 400 block of N. Broadway inquired as to when the cement work would be done on his driveway. He also asked about the completion of the Hwy. 16.
– Cody Burton sought clarification on the Planning & Zoning process of application/possible reimbursement of expenses. Councilman Kenneth Lyons recommended that there be a paper license, which was well received.
He also sought clarification on who was responsible for road maintenance. Councilman Gore met with the county commissioner, who expressed his desire to maintain and improve Beggs city roads.
The commissioner recommended citizens call the county barn, who will then place their projects on a scheduling board. If citizens feel their issues have not been resolved in a timely manner, they are encouraged to reach out to their council member who represents their ward.
During the session of the Beggs Public Works, the board approved a report from the Water Treatment Plant & Waste Water Treatment and Beggs Public Works from Jacob Branson. Included in the report was the possible need for a $40,000 filter project at the water treatment plant, and the DEQ consent orders need to be addressed immediately.
Under New Business, plans for the emergency hookup for the school from Rural Water District 7 are continuing to progress. There are engineered drawings to send to DEQ for a permit to construct.
Leak at Beggs Head Start needs to be addressed; and plans for the dam remediation project were discussed and an update on progress was sought.
The Beggs City Council meets the second Monday of each month at City Hall.
Information provided by Chris Gore.